Diamond Block Mystery Trick Secret Revealed By Info Ruckus

If you are still mystified how Magic Wagon Diamond Block Mystery trick is done, then it’s time to be demystified.

How the wooden block at the bottom could teleport itself to the top of the wooden frame.

Basically it is a teleportation effect, and not a transposition or penetration effect.

By the way, I have already included this Diamond Block Mystery reveal earlier in the “Houdini Block Escape Secret Revealed” post.

But I have it removed, updated and republish it here.

I would explain the method of the teleportation trick effect, backed with relevant pictures and video snippets.

This time around, I have included the psychology behind this close up magic trick by Magic Wagon.

This is another post from the Info Ruckus Magic Trick Secrets Revealed series.

Info Ruckus Magic Trick Secrets Revealed Diamond Block Mystery


The performer displays a special-designed wooden cabinet-like apparatus, with four uprights mounted on a base stand.

Slotted inside is a wooden block with a hole through its center, and threaded with a brass rod.

It comes with a cover with side slits to accommodate the inserting brass rod.

The performer places the wooden block at the bottom of the cabinet-like prop.

He puts the cover over it, and then insert the brass rod across through the two side slits.

When the cover is lifted up, mysteriously the rod is now penetrating through the wooden block.

In other words, the wooden block has mysteriously teleported or moved to the top part of the apparatus.

Diamond Block Mystery Trick Magic Wagon

Watch the demo video of Magic Wagon Diamond Block Mystery trick:

Diamond Block Mystery Trick Secret Revealed

Now let’s explore and analyze how this close up magic trick is done.


After viewing all the demo videos, I think it is the work of the built-in mechanism that is doing the trick.

Diamond Block Mystery Trick Lever

The performer just operates the lever, that is situated at the base stand facing him or her.

Magic Wagon Magic Trick Gimmick

They use their thumbs to slide the lever to their left side of the apparatus.

I would include all the video clips, where and when they fidget this secret lever, that is facing away from the viewers.

Built-in Lifting Mechanism

It is some kind of a mechanical lift device hidden within the wooden Diamond Block Mystery trick apparatus.

Upon close scrutiny, I noticed this slit or cut at one of its uprights, as indicated in the picture below:

Magic Wagon Close Up Trick

This narrow gap is seen at all the left front upright of the square box-like prop.

I believe this must be where the mechanism which lifts the dropped wooden cube to the top is hidden.

Diamond Block Mystery By Magic Wagon

This is the close-up view which shows a metal piece of the lifting mechanism embedded inside the narrow slot.Magic Wagon Diamond Block Mystery Revealed

Now let’s go through each of the demo videos, and watch how they handle the Diamond Block Mystery mechanical marvel.

Madison Hagler Of Presenting Tenyo

After Madison closes the prop with its cover, at 1:04, his right thumb pushes the lever to his left to lift up the wooden block.

Wooden Block Magic Trick

Before he slots in the brass rod, the wooden block is already up on top of the prop.

Teleportation Magic Trick Effect

Triangel Production

At 1:04 as he turns the covered Diamond Block Mystery prop, his right thumb drags the lever at the back of the base stand.

Diamond Block Mystery Magic Trick Revealed

Simon Layland

Immediately after he has slotted the cover over, his left thumb pulls the lever at 0:36 to raise the wooden block.

Magic Wagon Trick Secret Exposed

Merlins of Wakefield

At 0:41 after he has placed the cover, as he turns the wooden prop, his left thumb pulls the lever along.

Wooden Block Brass Rod Magic Trick

Rob Rand (Brotherbor)

After he has placed the prop under the cover at 1:00, his right thumb gives a push at the lever to his left.

Diamond Block Mystery Secret Explained

This is to raise the wooden block to the top of the prop.

Then after he has threaded the string through the wooden block at 1:43, his right thumb pull the lever back its original position.

This make the wooden block to drop down to the base stand, thus pulling in the string along.

That’s why you can see the string drawing in slightly.

Diamond Block Mystery Trick
This is how Magic Wagon Diamond Block Mystery trick is done with a built-in mechanism to lift up the wooden block.

Psychology Of Diamond Block Mystery Trick

According to S. H. Sharpe’s 1988 book, “Conjuror’s Psychological Secrets“, one way to misdirect audience’s focus, is to relax their attention.

This is what is what is happening in this trick, the performers casually present their acts step by step.

Show the viewers each item as if there is nothing suspicious or complicated.

The truth is, they are familiarizing their viewers with normal moments and simple objects.

When they do that, the viewers mentally become less aware, when the magicians discreetly maneuver the hidden lever.

Jumping Die By Willi Wessel Trick Secret

This is another self-working mechanical trick with wooden block, called the Jumping Die by Willi Wessel.

In fact the 1985 Jumping Die by Willi Wessel is similar to Rib-Block was invented by Mark Jacobs and built by John Snyder Jr. back in1942.

There are many other block and frame or tube penetration tricks which use gimmicked block, for instance the classic A-B-C Blocks.

But for this Jumping Die, the wooden block die is a normal solid wooden block.

The gimmick is a built-in spring-laden mechanism inside the frame stand.

At 1:33 after he has just inserted the ribbon, watch closely at the ribbon at the hole.

You can see it is being pulled or dragged into the frame.

Jumping Die Willi Wessel

That’s why at the interior bottom of the frame stand, there are raised platforms at the four corners.

Jumping Die Secret Revealed

They help to raise the die block above the base, to allow room for the ribbon to run across and out through the other hole.

DISCLAIMER: This post is only for informational purposes.