Do you want to know how the knife goes through Ching Ling Box Coin Box trick is done in the TikTok and YouTube video clips?
This is the only original article online about knife through glass in box trick revealed by Info Ruckus.
Incidentally, the correct term should be dagger and not knife.
Anyway, you could not find any TikTok or YouTube video clip showing the method of this glass penetration effect per se.
Except the only video showing the Pete Firman doing the ruler through glass trick, which I have already explained back in my September 2022 post.
By the way, this TikTok video copied Pete Firman/Luke Perry’s 2022 video.
Besides this Pete Firman ruler video, there are clips demonstrating the Tenyo Mister Danger trick, which I have also revealed back in February 2023.
The videos in the search results page do not show or explain how the sharp knife could seemingly pierce through the glass trick.
Welcome to another post from the Info Ruckus Magic Trick Secrets Revealed series.
Knife Through Ching Ling Coin Box Trick Secret
But this post I am definitely going to reveal and explain the secret of this puzzle box magic trick.
How the knife or rather the dagger could seemingly penetrate through the glass inside the Ching Ling Coin Box.
The trick secret explanation is supported with relevant pictures captured from the video clips.
For those who do not know, this wooden prop is known as the Ching Ling Coin Box, and not the Coin Of The Realm Box.
Ching Ling Coin Box
The small wooden box is called the Ching Ling Coin Box.
Back in September 9, 2022, I have published an in-depth write-up titled “Ching Ling Box Explained How It is Done And More“.
Anyway, I have revised and republished it in May 2024, with a new title “Ching Ling Coin Box Trick Secret Revealed“.
Now let’s get back to knife through Ching Ling Coin Box trick explanation:
TikTok Knife Through Glass Trick Revealed
I have explained the secret of the Ching Ling Coin Box, and also the similar wooden box in the steel ball through glass trick.
One side of the box is a pivoted piece which can swivel open, to let the glass piece to slip out.
For this knife through the Ching Coin Box trick, the TikToK performer has to set the glass in an upward position.
He has to place the glass piece slanting towards the narrow opening of the pivoted door.
This is how the position of the glass piece inside the box looks like.
At the onset of the video, you notice the odd position of his left thumb outside the box.
The thumb is not holding the small box.
It is actually pressing down onto the narrow edge of the glass piece to keep it in place.
Then at 00:33, you can see the edge of the glass outside the box.
His left forefinger and middle finger are gripping it, as seen below.
The piece of glass in not blocking the two slots of the wooden box.
Thus, the blade of the knife (dagger) could slot through both slits of the box.
YouTube Knife Through Glass In Box Magic Trick
Similarly the guy in the YouTube demo video openly display the method of the trick twice.
Firstly from 0:21 to 0:23, you can see the flipped-out pivoted piece at his right hand fingers.
Then at 0:26, when he turns the Ching Ling Coin Box around, again he exposes the swivel door at his left hand fingers.
Now you know how the knife/dagger could apparently ram through the glass inside the Ching Ling Box.