Pigeon Through Glass Trick Revealed By Info Ruckus

Do you want to know the secret of the Pigeon Through Glass trick?

How the live pigeon, dove, scarf, or a spectator’s hand apparently seems to penetrate the glass or rather a plexiglass.

This magical apparatus is based on the Dove Through Glass Trick, which I have already revealed and explained.

The key method of this magic secret is still identical, but the mechanism is different.

By the way, I have already included this penetration trick in the Dove Through Glass Trick post back in August 2023.

But I feel it gets lost inside that article, so I removed it, updated the content and republish it here.

In addition, I have included the psychology behind the trick.

Welcome to another post from the Info Ruckus Magic Trick Secrets Revealed series.

Info Ruckus Magic Trick Secrets Revealed Pigeon Through Glass


The yellow color plastic frame with clear plexiglass and an arched-shape window, mounted on a red color stand.

The magician lifts it up, opens the star-trap flaps which are attached to the ached-shape window.

After closing up the two hinged flaps, he places it back onto the stand.

Then he gently pushes a live pigeon through the star-trap window.

So it seems the bird has penetrated the solid clear plexiglass window.

He lifts up the frame, flips open the two star-trap flaps to reveal the solid plexiglass window.

Pigeon Through Glass Trick

Watch the demo of Pigeon Through Glass Trick by Mohan’s Magic Shop:

Pigeon Through Glass Trick Secret Revealed

As I have just said, the key secret of this plastic magical prop is the same as the Dove Through Glass Trick.

You have to temporary shift the plexiglass of the window to allow the pigeon to sidle through.

But the method of moving the plexiglass is different.

It does not used the stand to do it, but instead it uses a built-in lever.

For this apparatus, the magician does not slide the main plexiglass of the frame to the top.

That’s why the frame design of this Pigeon Through Glass trick, does not need a high top piece, like the Dove Through Glass Trick prop.

Stage Magic Trick Explained

In fact, the main plexiglass sheet does not move at all.

Moves Window Plexiglass Downward

The plexiglass inside the arched window is a separate piece by itself.

The magician slides this plexiglass inside the arched window downwards with a secret lever.

Penetration Magic Trick Secret Revealed

This window plexiglass would relocate to the bottom, and hence the window is an open hole.

Pigeon Through Glass Stage Magic

Now, the magician can slip the pigeon, dove or even his hand through the open hole of the arch-shaped window.

So where is the secret lever located?

Hidden Lever

The lever is installed underneath the frame.

After the magician has lifted up the hinged star-trap flaps, at 0:31, he uses his right thumb to slide the lever beneath the frame.

Penetration Magic Gimmick Revealed

This will bring down the window plexiglass.

Magic Trick Secret Explained

After the act, before he opens up the hinged star-trap flaps. at 1:33, again he uses his right thumb to operate the lever.

This time is to lift up the plexiglass back the arched window.

Look closely at the arched window, you can see the top curve edge of the plexiglass moving up (indicated in the image below).

Pigeon Through Glass Magic Trick Explained

Here are two more demo video clips where you can see the performers controlling the concealed lever under the frame.

These pictures are captured from JL Magic Korea video:

At 0:24, his right middle finger pulls the lever to lower the window plexiglass, before he sets the frame onto the stand.

Magic Trick Gimmick Revealed

At 0:56, he slides the lever to get down the window plexiglass, so he can push the fake fish through it.

Again at 1:29 he uses his right middle finger to drag the lever to take down the window plexiglass, before inserting the fake dove through it.

Then at 1:46, his right thumb fiddles the lever to raise the plexiglass back into the window.

Glass Penetration Trick Exposed

At 2:08, the Korean magician uses his middle right finger to pull the lever to drop the window plexiglass.

Then he can squeeze the twisted balloons through the arched-shaped window without the plexiglass blocking it.

Finally at 3:00, he uses his right thumb to push the lever to get the window plexiglass down.

Pigeon Penetrates Glass Trick Revealed

Next watch illusionist Dr. Gugampoo controls the hidden lever with his left hand middle finger at 2:09, to let down the window plexiglass.

Illusionist Dr Gugampoo Secret Exposed

After the dove penetration act, at 2:35, again his left middle finger shifts the lever to bring up the window plexiglass.

Pigeon Goes Through Glass Magic Trick

This is how the Pigeon Through Glass trick works.

Psychology Behind Pigeon Through Glass Trick

Just like the Dove Through Glass magic trick, the psychology of this penetration effect is what they call perceptual illusion.

The illusion occurs in the way your brain processes the visual data you transmit to your brain.

Perceptual illusions happen when your subjective experience differs from reality.

The magician shows and taps at the window to prove there is a solid plexiglass.

To the viewers’ visual perception, the window is definitely blocked.

In short, there is no way the pigeon could go through it.

That’s why to the viewers, this penetration effect appears strange or for the better word, magical.