Do you want to read the original That Bus Is Another World horror short story by Stephen King, published in the August 2014 issue of ESQUIRE magazine for free?
It is still available in the Complete ESQUIRE Archive; together with very article ESQUIRE ever published from 1933 to the latest copy.
That hot August 2014 issue of ESQUIRE cover featured the equally hot actress Cameron Diaz in a high-cut black swimsuit, flashing her pair of long legs.
- NOTE: Here is a guide: How To Read Esquire Classic Free Without An Account.
That Bus Is Another World Story
To read the originally published That Bus Is Another World 3-page horror short story from the ESQUIRE Classic archive, first click on the following link:
It takes you to: AUGUST 2014 PRINT ISSUE PAGES.
This ESQUIRE fiction That Bus Is Another World by the Master of Horror Stephen King is on pages 61, 62 and 63.
To save the three-page story in PDF format, click on the three pages.
A black color background appears behind the three pages, and at the same time the the pink-red “PRINT SELECTED” button above the page would be unblurred.
Click on the clear pink-red “PRINT SELECTED” button.
The three pages of That Bus Is Another World story appear as print preview on the left side of the page.
On the right side of the page, select the “Destination” options to “Save to PDF“.
Click the the blue color “Save” button below.
Now you can save the PDF format of the short story wherever you want.
Now you can read That Bus Is Another World short story as published in the ESQUIRE magazine back in August 2014.
What is the story of That Bus Is Another World?
Briefly it is about a guy named Wilson in a cab, on his way to a meeting in New York City.
When his cab pulls up beside a bus, Wilson sees a man kill the woman inside it.
As his cab begins moving again, Wilson has to decide if he should call the police or if he should just keep going to get to his meeting in time.
Where did Stephen King got the idea for this short story?
According to his website:
While stuck in traffic in Paris, Stephen noticed a bus next to him and wondered what might happen if someone was in a similar situation and witnessed someone cutting another passenger’s throat on the bus and knowing that the killer had seen them as they passed back and forth in traffic
By the way, this short story is also included in his 2015 short story collection, “The Bazaar of Bad Dreams”.
- Stephen King Short Fiction Bibliography
Among the twenty stories in this collection, you find “Morality”, which was published in the July 2009 issue of ESQUIRE.
To see this originally published story “Morality” in the ESQUIRE Classic Archive, click on the link below:
July 2009 Issue (Pages: 57 to 67)
Free The Bazaar Of Bad Dreams
To read the free twenty stories from “The Bazaar Of Bad Dreams“, click any of the links below.
The Bazaar Of Bad Dreams By Stephen King
To download this book free online, type: The Bazaar Of Bad Dreams by Stephen King pdf vk or The Bazaar Of Bad Dreams pdf in Google search. It is also found in: and Z-Library.
Stephen King’s First Story For ESQUIRE Fiction
Mystery writer Stephen King’s first story for ESQUIRE titled “Rest Stop” is set at a rest stop in Florida.
December 2003 Issue (Pages: 133, 134, 136, 138, 142, 145, 146, 147)
Here are two more of Stephen King’s fictions published in ESQUIRE:
The Gingerbread Girl
July 2007 Issue (Pages: 87, 89-99)
On Slide Inn Road
October/November 2020 Issue (Pages: 70-75, 100, 101)
NOTE: You can also read the free complete Esquire fiction “On Slide Inn Road” here.
Here are the two links to Stephen and Joe Hill’s horror novella “In The Tall Grass“, published in the June/July and August 2012 issues of ESQUIRE magazine.
June/July 2012 Issue: (Pages: 122 to 128)
August 2012 Issue: (Pages: 84 to 93)
Click on them and follow the same steps as what I have shown you above how to access the stories in ESQUIRE Archive.
Free In The Tall Grass E-Book
In The tall Grass By Stephen King And Joe Hill
To find this book free online, type: In The tall Grass By Stephen King And Joe Hill pdf vk in Google search. It is also found in:,, and Z-Library.
Free In The Tall Grass Film
Watch the free 2019 film adaptation of “In The Tall Grass” here or here.
Free On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft
Read this free memoir by author Stephen King, with his insights into the craft of writing, together with his humorous perspective on his own experience as a writer.
On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft By Stephen King
To get this book fre online, type: On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft By Stephen King pdf or On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft epub pdf vk in Google search. It is also found in: Z-Library and
Yes, Stephen King’s Holly Gibney is back in his 2023 novel below.
Holly By Stephen King
To get this book free online, type: Holly By Stephen King epub vk in Google search. It is also found in: Z-Library.
4.50 From Paddington Agatha Christie
When I read the part where Wilson witnesses the killing of the woman in the bus next to his cab in “The Bus Is Another World”, it reminds me of Mrs. McGillicuddy.
Mrs. McGillicuddy the female character witnesses a brutal strangling murder occurring on a passing train in the 1957 novel “4.50 From Paddington” (US version: What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw!) by Agatha Christie.
You can read the free e-book of “4.50 From Paddington” below.
4.50 From Paddington By Agatha Christie
To find this book free online, type: 4.50 From Paddington By Agatha Christie pdf or 4.50 From Paddington By Agatha Christie epub vk in Google search. It is also found in: Z-Library and
DISCLAIMER: I do not publish or host any of the books here. They are copyrighted to their respective owners. All content cited is derived from their respective sources.