Crazy Hole By Mickael Chatelain Secret Explained How It Works

This is the step-by-step explanation how the Crazy Hole by Mickael Chatelain penetration trick works.

It is a simple pocket trick, but the effect is visually entertaining and convincing as well.

I know how this close up magic card trick is done, solely by viewing the demo video clips.

This is another article from the Info Ruckus Magic Trick Secrets Revealed series.

Info Ruckus Magic Trick Secrets Revealed Crazy Hole By Mickael Chatelain

As magic enthusiast, I don’t buy magic tricks and reveal their secrets in YouTube or TikTok, to pass it off as a tutorial.

But I love to analyze and explore the secrets behind magic tricks and stage illusions.

To be more precise, the psychology of magic tricks.

How magic tricks play with our perceptions and expectations; thus creating a sense of wonder and mystery.

Crazy Hole By Mickael Chatelain Secret

By the way, this is not the Super Hole by Mickael Chatelain; the so-called the black hole to the 4th dimension trick.

In fact, I have already explained it in this post, “Super Hole By Mickael Chatelain Revealed“.

Let’s get back to the Crazy Hole penetration card trick.

NOTE: This is a revised and updated blog post. It was originally published on April 11, 2023.


Show a lengthwise folded card with a hole in the middle on each side perfectly aligned.

Then get another card with a hole at the bottom.

Insert this card vertically between the folded card, aligning the holes of both cards.

Hold the two cards together as you poke a short drinking straw through the aligned holes.

In other words, the straw locked the vertical card to the bottom folded card.

But in the hand of a magician, he manages to slide the vertical card to both sides along the V-shaped folded card below.

In short, the vertical card seems to pass through the obstructing straw as it glides freely from side to side.

Remove the straw to show that the vertical card hole is no longer in the center, it has now shifted.

Magically, he can even command the vertical card as if to drift across the folded card by itself.

Finally, withdraw the straw to show that everything is as it was at the beginning.

Watch Crazy Hole by Mickael Chatelain demo video below:

By just viewing the demo clip, I think the secret of this solid through solid magic trick is in the moving vertical card.

In other words, it is a gimmick card; a modified playing card that does the trick.

Besides explaining this self-working close up trick, I also include a similar penetration trick by both Rob Bromley and Michael Close.

For those who want to make their own gimmick or gaff cards, check out a list of free e-books mentioned below.

It’s time to lay my cards on the table and explain how this trick is done, so to speak.

Crazy Hole By Mickael Chatelain Secret

When I first saw this card penetration effect, I believed there must be a slot at the hidden bottom of the gimmick card.

But with both cards tightly gripped together, I knew it could not be a simple horizontal hinged flap.

Furthermore, from David Jonathan’s video, I could see the vertical gimmick card through the bottom card hole.

card penetration trick secret

In short, the gimmick part is still on top of the slot hole.

Crazy Hole By Mickael Chatelain Gimmick Card

On top of that, the sliding card stunt hinted to me, the gimmick uses elastic thread.

Then I watched the Mickael Chatelain’s demonstration clip again, I caught the very first brief sight of the gimmick, when he makes a quick turn of both cards at 0:32.

NOTE: To see it clearer, slow down the playback speed to 0.25.

Crazy Hole Gaffed Card

You can see this movable slot twice from David Jonathan of Magic Orthodoxy’s review video clip when he turns the gimmicked card around and back, at 4:29.

NOTE: Again to see it clearer, slow down the playback speed to 0.25.

These are the two visuals captured from his video.

Gaff Card Magic Trick
Card Gimmick Magic Trick
From Craig Petty’s video, you can see the same gimmick piece at the top of the card, when he holds it up after the act at 1:59.

Crazy Hole Card Trick Secret

This is another picture of the gimmick card captured from Magic Manu video.

Crazy Hole Gimmick Revealed

Now let’s take a closer look at this movable slot attached with elastic threads.

The close-up picture below highlights the holes and the fine elastic thread which holds the movable slot-piece.

Mickael Chatelain Gimmick Card Trick

I presumed this is how the camouflaged slot looks like as highlighted in black color.

Crazy Hole Card Trick Revealed

This is a simple illustration of the gimmick at the bottom of the card.
Crazy Hole Mickael Chatelain

Mickael Chatelain Crazy Hole Self-Sliding Trick

The elastic thread is doing the trick for the apparently self-sliding card effect.

That’s why they keep gripping tightly onto both cards when performing this self-working trick.

This is what I think how the Crazy Hole by Mickael Chatelain gimmick looks like:

Crazy Hole Card Trick Explained

After I have published this post, I came across this “Crazy Hole Trick Tutorial” in Russian (True Magic Lessons).

Mysteriously, my speculation of the Crazy Hole by Mickael Chatelain secret seems to be very similar to his method.

These are pictures of the gimmick card taken from the tutorial.

Hole By Mickael Chatelain Gimmick Secret

Crazy Hole by Mickael Chatelain Gimmick Card

Then I discovered another YouTube video, exposing the actual Mickael Chatelain’s trick.

This time it confirmed my guesswork is definitely correct.

Crazy Hole By Mickael Chatelain Explained
So there you are, this is the trick secret of the Crazy Hole by Mickael chatelain.

READ ALSO: Check out Mickael Chatelain’s 2024 Crazy Hole 2.0 trick explained how it works.

Similar Card Penetration Tricks

Here are two identical penetration card tricks which might interest you.

Do you know there is an old close up trick which is similar Mickael Chatelain’s Crazy Hole?

It is called “Interference” by British magician Rob Bromley.

Interference Card Trick Rob Bromley

Purportedly there is a copied version called “Four Holes With A Shot” (“Vier Löcher mit einem Schuss“) selling in Germany.

Cigarette Through Cards Trick

It also uses two playing cards with holes on them.

One is folded lengthwise, and the other card is folded crosswise.

Slot them together and then insert a cigarette or a rolled up bill.

Now both cards should be firmly locked together.

But in the hand of a magician, the lengthwise card can move about freely.

Watch “Interference” or “Four Holes With A Shot” below:

Rob Bromley Interference Trick Secret

From my observation, the folded lengthwise card is gimmicked.

Probably there are a few methods of doing this penetration effect.

One simple way is by having two parallel slits just outside the two holes, as shown below.

Penetration Gimmicked Card

As you fold the two cards together, the two slits will open up, and there should be a hole in the middle of the card.

Rob Bromley Gaff Card Secret

Now you can move the gimmick card side to side, and you can even slide it all the way out of the folded crosswise card.

Rob Bromley Gimmick Card

Rob Bromley Penetration Trick

The method used in the video is different.

The gimmicked card has a camouflaged flap on its face side.

At 0:34, when he is folding up the cards, his right hand opens up the flap, then his left thumb helps to press it down

Interference Card Trick Rob Bromley

After the trick, you can see the flap as he flattens the gimmick card at 1:13.

Penetration Card Trick Gimmick Exposed

My guess is there is a cut-out hole and a concealed flap on the face of the gimmicked card.

Similarly to above method, the folding line of the hidden flap should be slightly off the center folding line of the card.

The height of the flap should be slightly shorter than the card.

Rob Bromley Interference Trick

This is what I think how “Inteference” by Rob Bromley works.

Michael Close Dollar Bill Trick Secret

I found out my own above first method of “Interference” has already being done by Michael Close for his 2001 trick “Dollar Bill” aka “Rubik’s Dollar Bill”.

Dollar Bill Trick Michael Close revealed

If you want to know Dollar Bill or Rubik’s Dollar Bill trick secret, watch the master Michael Close demonstrating and explaining his creation here.

The Complete Workers Michael Close

If you are into close-up magic and like to improve your the sleight of hand skills, get Michael Close’s “The Complete Workers” e-book.

Free Michael Close Books

By the way, here are some free stuff by Michael Close found online.

The Road To Riffsville Free Download

The Road To Riffsville By Michael Close
Click on this: Link

In Review Michael Close PDF

In Review: Michael Close’s MAGIC magazine review columns May 1995- December 2001
Click on this: Link

Lecture Notes On The Road Again UK Tour 2006 Michael Close

Lecture Notes: On The Road Again UK Tour 2006
Click on any of these: Link 1, Link 2

Free Books On Gaffed Cards

If you think making gaff cards is just rubber cement, sprays, and glue sticks, then check out this 80 page e-book.

You would discover the wonders of dry mounting tissue a.k.a. DMT.

The Gaff Factory By Craig Matsuoka Free Download

The Gaff Factory: A Comprehensive Dry-Mounting Tutorial By Craig Matsuoka
Click on any of these: Link 1, Link 2

NOTE: This book is also available in Z-Library.

To get this book and all the other books and articles in Z-Library site, read “Z-Library Is Back 2023“.

The book below is a mixture of gimmicks and sleight-of-hand to produce perplexing and visual effects.

Don England's Gaffed to the Hilt !

Don England’s Gaffed to the Hilt ! By Jon Racherbaumer And Richard Kaufman
Click on any of these: Link 1, Link 2

This book by Bob Farmer is a a collection of gaffed decks, which you can make at home, and strong effects that go along with them. Requires little to no sleight-of-hand.

Bammo Gaffus Maximus Bob Farmer

Bammo Gaffus Maximus By Bob Farmer
Click on this: Link

You can learn card peeling and making double-faced cards in Part 5: Miscellany of this book by Jean Hugard and Frederick Braue.

Expert Card Techniques Close Up Table Magic Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue

Expert Card Technique: Close-Up Table Magic By Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue
Click on any of these: Link 1Link 2

From this 1889 book card conjuring by Professor Hoffmann, you can learn about card splitting, biseauté or tapering cards, “cornered” cards, etc.

hoffmann tricks with cards book

Tricks With Cards: A Complete Manual Of Card Conjuring By Professor Hoffmann
Click on any of these: Link 1Link 2

Read about the mechanical cards like the flap card, moving pip card, diminishing card, and others from this 1897 book by August Roterberg.

new era card tricks august roterberg

New Era Card Tricks By August Roterberg
Click on any of these: Link 1Link 2

Check out the construction of double-faced cards and splitting from this 1928 book by London magician Eric F. Impey.

Original Card Mysteries Eric F. Impey

Original Card Mysteries By Eric F. Impey
Click on this: Link

You can also find more tips on how to split cards and make double facers or backers from another Eric F. Impey book (1931) below.

Try This One Eric J. Impey PDF

Try This One By Eric F. Impey
Click on this: Link

Read about the history and basic information, more sticky than rough-smooth card from this 1936/7 book by Jean Hugard.

Encyclopedia Of Card Tricks Jean Hugard

The Encyclopedia Of Card Tricks Edited By Jean Hugard & John J. Crimmins Jr.
Click on any of these: Link 1Link 2, Link 3Link 4Link 5

DISCLAIMER: I do not own or upload any of the books here. They are copyrighted to their respective owners. All content cited is derived from their respective sources.